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Achieving Cardiovascular Health Equity in Community Mental Health: Optimizing Implementation Strategies (DECIPHeR)

People with serious mental illness have mortality rates 2-3 times higher than the overall population, primarily due to cardiovascular disease. An increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk behaviors, combined with poor cardiovascular disease risk factor control, contribute to higher mortality rates among this population. This has created a need for the scale-up of efficacious interventions shown to address cardiovascular disease risk factors in people with serious mental illness. Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ( is external)), the DECIPHeR trial will combine two evidence-based interventions (IDEAL(link is external) and Life Goals(link is external)) with different implementation strategies to improve the quality of care for cardiovascular disease risk factors among people with serious mental illness. The study is a collaboration between the Johns Hopkins ALACRITY Center and the University of Michigan.

This study will test the delivery of the IDEAL Goals intervention to people in Maryland and Michigan community mental health programs. IDEAL Goals combines two evidence-based practices, IDEAL and Life Goals that address cardiovascular risk factors in persons with serious mental illness. In this study, investigators are evaluating a multi-level strategy to support the delivery of IDEAL Goals within integrated care settings.

The study contains two phases. The focus of the first phase is to gain input on different facets of the IDEAL Goals intervention from community stakeholders including from Community Working Groups (UG3HL154280). The second phase will compare the effectiveness of adding different implementation strategies (Coaching and Facilitation) to a standard implementation strategy on uptake and delivery of the IDEAL Goals intervention.

