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Center for Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis

The Center for Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis, housed in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Epidemiology, is a multi-departmental, multi-disciplinary center dedicated to promoting excellence in clinical trials and evidence syntheses. Our research and teaching focuses on the generation and evaluation of evidence to inform decisions about human health.

Dr. Curtis L. Meinert (1934-2023), In Memoriam

Dr. Meinert (1934-2023) was the founding father of the Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Trials and was Director of the Center until 2005. Dr. Meinert's legacy is embedded in the design and conduct of clinical trials, including trial organization, authorship, conceptualization, principles and best practices of clinical trials. 

Click here to view the tribute from the American Lung Association (ALA) ACRC Network Steering Committee Meeting on June 30, 2023.
Click here to view the CCTES Seminar in honor of Dr. Meinert, presented by Dr. Steven Piantadosi on September 07, 2023. 


Photo of Curtis L. Meinert

Recent Events

Core outcome sets: what does the future hold?

Paula Williamson, Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Liverpool (December 04, 2024).

Cong Chen


Cong Chen, Scientific Associate Vice President in Early Development and Mid-Stage Oncology Statistics at Merck & Co. (November 07, 2024).

Riaz Qureshi

"AI" and Large Language Models and their role in Evidence Syntheses

Riaz Qureshi, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Epidemiology at  Anschutz Medical Campus (October 03, 2023).

Curtis L. Meinert, PhD, Memorial Symposium

Robert A. Wise, MD, Janet T. Wittes, PhD, and Gillian Gresham, PhD commemorated the extraordinary career of Dr. Curtis L. Meinert, the founding director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis (January 31, 2024).