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Student Learning Groups

Biostatistics Student Organization

Biostatistics Student Organization (BSO)

The Biostatistics student organization (BSO) aims to facilitate student-to-student and student-to-faculty communication in the department and advocate for student needs. Elections for committee members and chairs for the upcoming year are typically held during April/May.

The organization meets on an as-needed basis within committees or across groups to discuss student concerns, activities, and other initiatives. Committees and chairs give updates for outstanding topics, and students are encouraged to raise any concerns or ideas that may be of student interest.

2023-2024 Chairs and Committees

Co-PresidentsCarly Brantner, Kinnary Shah, Charlotte Clapham


MHGN Representatives

Grace Ringlein

Charlotte Clapham

Carly Brantner

Masters Student Representatives

Alejandro Lopez

Angela Zhao


Faculty Student Representatives 

Kinnary Shah

Angela Zhao

Kexin Wang


Curriculum Committee

Grace Ringlein

Angela Zhao

Michelle Qin


Events Committee

Alejandro Lopez

Anagh Chattopadhyay

Michelle Qin

Computing Club Chairs

Cindy Fang

Sowmya Parthiban

Tea Time Chairs

Alejandro Lopez

Marina Hernandez