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Alzheimers event


2022-2023 Post Doctoral Fellowship

This unique training program encourages innovative research focused on basic, clinical, psychosocial, or health services aspects of minority aging, Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders (ADRD), and health disparities. The overarching goal of the JHAD-RCMAR is to prepare the next generation of underrepresented minority researchers in the conduct of Alzheimer-related research that is culturally relevant and has potential to bridge research from discovery to implementation in ADRD minority aging. Fellows will be matched with mentors and participate with JHAD-RCMAR Scientists and will receive additional career development support through the JHAD-RCMAR. For inquiries please email us at

2022-2023 Accelerator Program

The JHAD-RCMAR invites applications from Faculty for the Accelerator Program. This unique program encourages innovative research focused on basic, clinical, psychosocial, or health services aspects of minority aging, Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders (ADRD), and health disparities. The overarching goal of the JHAD-RCMAR is to prepare the next generation of underrepresented minority researchers in the conduct of Alzheimer-related research that is culturally relevant and has potential to bridge research from discovery to implementation in ADRD minority aging. Faculty scholars will be matched with mentors and interact with JHAD-RCMAR Scientists and Program Faculty and will receive additional career development support through the JHAD-RCMAR. For inquiries please email us at

2022-2023 Pilot Proposals Informational Webinar

JHAD-RCMAR funds are available to encourage innovative research focused on basic, clinical, psychosocial, or health services aspects of minority aging, Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders (ADRD) and health disparities. Would you like to learn more?!?! Join us for an informational session on November 30, 2021 at 3pm.

Welcome Three New RCMAR Scientists

The JHAD-RCMAR is pleased to announce the selection of three new 2021-2022 Johns Hopkins University RCMAR Scientists.

Recent News

  • Request for Pilot Research Proposals 2022-2023: Johns Hopkins Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research
    The Center is submitting an application for a renewal. JHAD-RCMAR funds would be available to encourage innovative research focused on basic, clinical, psychosocial, or health services aspects of minority aging, Alzheimer’s disease, or related disorders and health disparities. Proposal deadline: Friday, September 30 by 5 p.m. The application is open to all individuals interested in the conduct of Alzheimer-related research that is culturally relevant and has potential to bridge research from discovery to implementation in ADRD minority aging. Those awarded pilot research funds through this mechanism will become JHAD-RCMAR Scientists and will receive additional career development support through the JHAD-RCMAR. For inquiries please email us at
  • JHAD-RCMAR Scientists will participate in RCMAR Week 2022 (aka Annual Meeting) March 30-April 1, 2021. Click link for details
  • Dr. Alicia Arbaje, MD, MPH, PhD, a 2019-2020 JHAD-RCMAR Scientist and Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of Transitional Care Research in the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, has been appointed by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) as a member of its Advisory Panel on Healthcare Delivery and Disparities Research (HDDR).  Dr. Arbaje will join other members of the panel in applying her experience and expertise to helping PCORI refine and prioritize the research it funds. She will also ensure that the research PCORI supports centers on the outcomes that matter to patients and other healthcare decision makers. PCORI is an independent, nonprofit organization authorized by Congress to fund research that will provide patients, their caregivers and clinicians with the evidence-based information needed to make better-informed healthcare decisions. More information about the Advisory Panel on Healthcare Delivery and Disparities Research, including its scope of work and a list of all members, is available on the PCORI website.
  • Dr. Amal Wanigatunga, PhD, MPH, a 2019-2020 JHAD-RCMAR Scientist and an Assistant Scientist in the Department of Epidemiology in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, has been selected to receive an $800 travel award to attend the Pre-Conference Workshop on “Strategies for Successful Recruitment and Retention of Minority Elders: An NIA Priority Area” at the Gerontological Society of America meeting on November 13 in Austin, Texas. 
  • Dr. Halima Amjad, MD, MPH, a 2018-2019 JHAD-RCMAR Scientist and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, received a 2019 JHU Clinician Scientist Award.  The award will support her work in improving dementia diagnosis and care in primary care and efforts to obtain a career development award to continue this work over several years. Her team of mentors (Dr. Quincy Samus, Dr. Cynthia Boyd, Dr. Joe Gallo, Dr. Jennifer Wolff) and advisors (including Dr. David Roth and Dr. Jessica Colburn) supported her career development award application and also serve as the mentorship team for this award.
  • The American Journal of Public Health January 2019 special issue New Perspectives to Advance Minority Health and Health Disparities Research is the culmination of a 2-year NIMHD-led transdisciplinary science visioning process that bridged scientific disciplines to develop a coordinated research vision. It includes a wide array of relevant articles of interest to the RCMAR network and includes RCMAR coauthors including James S. Jackson, Steven E. Gregorich, Arleen Brown, Jennifer Alvidrez, Erik J. Rodriquez, Luisa N. Borrel, and former RCMAR faculty including Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable and Anna Nápoles.
  • A new book “Men’s Health Equity:  A Handbook” edited by Derek Griffith, Marino Bruce, and Roland J. Thorpe, Jr. was published by Routledge in May 2019.  The book is the first volume to describe men’s health equity as a field of study that emerged from gaps in and between research on men’s health and health inequities.  The book systematically explores the underlying causes of health inequities, describes the particular challenges faced by particular groups of men, and offers policy and programmatic strategies to improve the health and well-being of men and pursue men’s health equity.
  • Published by Springer in January 2019, Dr. Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., a Director of the JHAD-RCMAR, is the Volume Editor of the 39th Volume of the Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics with a topic of Men’s Health and Aging.  The purpose of this annual review is to critically examine the literature on key topics in gerontology and geriatrics, including social, cultural, and biological issues, medicine, psychology, economics, and end-of-life issues. The chapters in this book are divided into two sections: contemporary issues and emerging perspectives about men’s health and aging. The insightful chapters in the first section explore issues such as how experiences with social institutions earlier in life have an impact on men in late life, health and well-being of military veterans, biological determinants of men’s health, and mental health of older men.  The exciting chapters in the emerging perspective section focus on pain, and social isolation in men’s later life.  The last chapter in the book discusses future directions.


Conferences & Workshops

  • 2023 Summer Workshop on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Disparities. Application deadline: January 17, 2023. LEARN MORE AND APPLY NOW!
  • 2022 JHAD-RCMAR Monthly Professional Development Series