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Past Events

HIV and the Politics of Race: The Minority AIDS Initiative at 25
This forum was held in commemoration of World AIDS Day 2023, the 25th anniversary of the Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI). It focused on the history, impact, and future of the MAI in addressing HIV/AIDS disparities among minority communities in the United States. The forum included panel discussions on the current state of HIV/AIDS in minority communities, the political and legal challenges facing race-based initiatives, and strategies for continued advocacy and funding. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who spearheaded the creation of the MAI in 1998, delivered a keynote address highlighting the initiative's achievements and the ongoing need for targeted funding and activism.
The Heart of the Matter - Closing Disparities in Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
This forum, titled brought together leading experts in public health, cardiology, and health policy as well as community-based organizations working on healthy food, physical activity and cardiovascular disorders to address the critical issue of cardiovascular health disparities among communities of color in the United States. The event featured two panel discussions.

Hands That Rock the Cradle: Expanding Policies to Protect Black Maternal and Infant Healthâ Maternal and Infant Health Policy Summit
The summit, held in commemoration of the Maternal Health Month, shined a spotlight on the pressing health disparities facing Black mothers and infants, discussing the why and how behind the stark statistics that Black women and infants are significantly more likely to die during childbirth than their non-Hispanic white counterparts. It included panel discussions and several personal testimonies from attendees. The event was keynote by Congresswoman Lauren Underwood - Co-founder, Black Maternal Health Caucus
Promoting Health Equity by Reducing Gun Violence in Communities of Color
The final event of the HOPE Challenge 2024 series addressed the critical issue of gun violence through a public health lens. The event consisted of opening remarks, two panel discussions, and a keynote address by Reverend Al Sharpton. Participants explored the complex intersections of gun violence, public health, racial equity, and community well-being. The discussions emphasized the need for comprehensive, evidence-based approaches to gun violence prevention that address root causes and social determinants of health. The event was keynote by Rev. Al Sharpton.