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Past Event

Promoting Health Equity by Reducing Gun Violence in Communities of Color  

The final event of the HOPE Challenge 2024 series addressed the critical issue of gun violence through a public health lens. The event consisted of opening remarks, two panel discussions, and a keynote address by Reverend Al Sharpton. Participants explored the complex intersections of gun violence, public health, racial equity, and community well-being. The discussions emphasized the need for comprehensive, evidence-based approaches to gun violence prevention that address root causes and social determinants of health. The event was keynote by Rev. Al Sharpton 

June 4, 2024

Number of registered participants: 302

Highlighted Successes

  • Moms Demand Action grew to have chapters in all 50 states plus DC "Demand a Seat" program successfully trained volunteers to run for office 
  • Community Violence Intervention programs in Baltimore showed cost-effectiveness compared to traditional policing methods 
  • Hospital-based violence intervention programs demonstrated success in breaking cycles of violence 
  • Advocacy efforts led to appointment of special prosecutor for police killings in New York City 
  • Operation Thrive in DC resulted in 34% crime reduction in targeted areas 
  • Gun violence prevention shifted from a "third rail" issue to a central policy concern 
  • Increased cross-sector collaboration between academia, law enforcement, and community organizations  
  • Success of youth engagement programs like "Law and Your Community" 
  • National Action Network's advocacy continues to bring attention to high-profile cases, contributing to national dialogue 

Action Items

  1. Promote policies that integrate CVI programs into comprehensive public safety strategies and advocate for increased funding for CVI programs at local, state, and federal levels. 
  2. Advocate for the integration of mental health professionals in crisis response teams. 
  3. Support policies that invest in education, economic opportunities, and community development in areas disproportionately affected by gun violence. 
  4. Advocate for housing policies that reduce blight and create safe community spaces. 
  5. Call for reform of law enforcement practices to focus community-oriented policing and building transparency to ensure trust between law enforcement and communities. 
  6. Support evidence-based gun laws, such as universal background checks, extreme risk protection orders and reducing easy access to firearms, particularly in high-risk situations. 
  7. Improve funding for data collection and research 
  8. Support policies that fund after-school programs, mentorship initiatives, and youth employment opportunities as violence prevention strategies. 
  9. Advocate for responsible media reporting on gun violence that emphasizes solutions and avoids sensationalism. 
  10. Promote policies that encourage healthcare systems to play a more active role in violence prevention and intervention.  
  11. Advocate for policies that promote and fund collaborative approaches to gun violence prevention, bringing together public health, law enforcement, education, and community organizations. 

List of Speakers and Panelists

Remarks given by:
  1. Dr. Darrel Gaskin - William C. and Nancy F. Richardson Professor and Director of HCHDS, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 
  2. Dr. Cassandra Crifasi, Associate Professor at the Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. 
Panel Session
  1. Daniel Webster: Bloomberg Professor of American Health at Johns Hopkins 
  2. Chief Pamela A. Smith: DC Metropolitan Police Department Chief 
  3. Fatimah Loren Dreier: Vice President of Health Resources in Action, Executive Director of Health Alliance for Violence Intervention 
  4. Moderator: Roland Martin, Author and Award-Winning Journalist, Host of Roland Martin Unfiltered. 
Fireside Chat
  1. Rodney Bryant: National President of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) 
  2. Angela Ferrell-Zabala: Executive Director of Moms Demand Action 
  3. Dr. Nicholas Meyerson, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health  
  4. Moderator: Roland Martin, Author and Award-Winning Journalist, Host of Roland Martin Unfiltered. 
Keynote Speaker

Rev Al Sharpton, President and CEO, National