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The Teen Years Explained: Taking Everyday Action to Support Healthy Adolescent Development

The Teen Years Explained

Cover of Teen Years Explained, group of diverse teens posing for camera.

This interactive training was designed with funding from T. Rowe Price to accompany the Teen Years Explained guide book. This guide book is available in English and Spanish. The focus of the training is to help parents, people who work with young people, service providers, and teachers better understand adolescent development and the active role that adults can play in supporting adolescents. 

If you are interested in learning more or scheduling a training please contact or call 410 614 3953

Topic Areas That Can be Selected for a Training:

Cognitive Development

Brain and cognitive development are profoundly important for the transition from childhood to adulthood.  This training explains biological changes that are happening in the brain and links these changes to adolescent thinking and behavior.  Topics of focus include adolescent risk taking and decision making, including the role that adults can play in supporting healthy teen decision making.  Participants practice using interactive communication skills to help an adolescent think through a decision.  

Social and Emotional Development

During adolescence teens are becoming more aware of their own feelings and those of others.  Trainers outline the components of social and emotional development, including the role adults and peers play.  Key topics include recognizing and labeling emotions, empathy building, and peer relationships.  Participants build their active listening skills during a role play activity.  

Identity Formation

Identity exploration and formation is a significant part of adolescence.  This training discusses self-concept and self-esteem in the context of teens trying on new identities.  Participants are introduced to strategies that allow them to positively support this aspect of development.  They practice a relaxation strategy to use while talking with adolescents, in order to create a safe place for conversations.  

Physical Development

An in depths look at puberty and how adults can help teens navigate these changes.  Trainers build on what participants know from having experienced these changes themselves.  Participants discuss strategies to support early and late bloomers and teens whose physical development is out of sync with other aspects of development.  Highlighted themes include nutrition, sleep, and exercise.  A skill building activity helps participants make conversations a part of everyday life.  

Sexuality and Intimacy

This aspect of adolescent development isn’t just about sex; it includes building healthy, caring, respectful relationships.  Trainers and participants discuss how to help teens become sexually healthy adults, specifically through the use of strategies that facilitate open communication.  Participants gain practice in preparing for conversations.