Training Opportunities
T32 Training Program in Health Service and Outcomes Research for Aging Populations
Applications now open for a postdoctoral fellowship beginning after September 1!
The T32 Training Program at Johns Hopkins University seeks to produce the next generation of scientists with research expertise in person- and family-centered health services and outcomes with a focus on older adults.
The training program is led by Program Directors Jennifer Wolff and Cynthia Boyd with support from Associate Program Directors Nancy Schoenborn and Katherine Ornstein and a large group of faculty with diverse interests and expertise. Training fellowships are available to both pre- and post-doctoral candidates.
Read about the post-program pursuits and contributions of our former trainees, and get more information about the T32 program in our annual report.
Learn More About Our Students
Follow the link to the right to learn more about our students and see examples of practicum opportunities.
Judith Dellinger Kasper Dissertation Award
The award supports methodologically rigorous dissertation research that informs policies to improve care and well-being of vulnerable older populations and their families, in honor of the scientific contributions of Kasper. Eligible applicants include doctoral candidates from any division of the University whose proposed dissertation research is thematically aligned with the endowment. Priority is given to survey-based research, including studies that draw on the National Health and Aging Trends Study and/or the National Study of Caregiving. Primary data collection and qualitative analyses will also be considered.
Please email Danielle Peereboom at for more information.
Johns Hopkins Certificate in Gerontology
The Johns Hopkins certificate in Gerontology is awarded to qualified students who have acquired a body of knowledge that is essential for success in this exciting field. It offers a rich array of aging-related courses, conferences, research projects, and mentors across its medical institutions: the Bloomberg School of Public Health, the School of Nursing, and the School of Medicine.
Courses Offered Through the Professional Development and Career Office
Practical coursework topics include manuscript writing, research and proposal writing, and scientific integrity.
The Annual JHSPH Research on Aging Showcase
The showcase is a free student-led public health summit for emerging gerontology researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. Learn more.
Seminars and Research in Progress Sessions Across the Johns Hopkins Community
- The Center on Aging and Health (COAH)
- Hopkins’ Economics of Alzheimer’s Disease & Services Center (HEADS)
- Center for Transformative Geriatric Research
- Center for Innovative Care in Aging.
- Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research (CHSOR)
- Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC)
- Hopkins Business of Health Initiative (HBHI)
- Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR)
- Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research
- Certificate in Gerontology Program
- The MPH concentration in Aging and Public Health (APH)