2024 Chesapeake AIHA & ASSP Educational Seminar: Current Topics in Safety, Health And Environmental Issues
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
8:00 am - 4:45 pm

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Morning Keynote

We are thrilled to introduce our keynote speaker, Andrea Baker, an expert in Human and Organizational Performance (HOP)!
Andrea Baker, HOP expert, pioneered principles at aglobal industrial giant. Teaching HOP Fundamentals and Learning Teams, she coached investigations across 300+ European locations. In 2018, Andrea left to guide 60+ global companies. Co-author of "Bob's Guide," she co-hosts "A HOP Podcast".
Ashton Alban CIH, REHS/RS, M.S., MPH, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology Inc., PBC
Wendy Amaya-Lopez, Teligent Masonry
Andrea Baker, Opening Keynote Speaker, HOP Expert
Julie Barth MHS, CIH, CSP, Senior Industrial Hygienist, EFI Global, Inc
Leah Bentfield, BA, Mental Health Association of Maryland
Guy Campion, MS, CSP, CHST, CEA, REP, Principal, CTgroup Environmental health and Safety
Marianne Cloeren, MD, MPH, FACOEM, FACP, Associate Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Michelle Coutu, CIH, CSP, MSPH, Health and Safety Consultant, AECOM
Melissa DeSantiago, MPH, Doctoral Student, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Ned Fitter, Safety Director, Telligent Masonry
Mike Frederick, CSP, CHST, Licensed Home Improvement Contractor business owner
Jodi J. Frey, PhD, LCSW-C, CEAP, Professor, University of Maryland School of Social Work
Mark Geiger, MS, MSE, CIH, CSP, Consultant, VolunteerChairperson, SAE EG1B1 Committee on Power Tool Safety
Cristina Campbell Harris, MS, CIH, Department of Labor - MOSH
Matt Koss, CSP, SMS, CHST, Director of Corporate Safety, ECS Corporate Services, LLC
Dr. Towera Loper, Closing Keynote Speaker, T.L. Coaching and Consulting, LLC
Craig Lowry, CSP, Safety Manager, ICON
Salvatore Milletich, MPH, Doctoral Student, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Amber Nicholls, BGE
Michael Quashne, CSP, CUSP, Manager, SIF Prevention, Baltimore Gas & ElectricProfessional TitleManager, SIF Preventionand Human Performance
Justin Rihn, Clark Construction
Mary Smith, Chesapeake ASSP Membership Chair
Ed Stuber, CIH, ROH, FAIHA, Industrial Hygiene Portfolio Lead, SGS Galson
Grant Tore, MPH, Doctoral Student, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
James Woodward, Sr, MS, Safety Director, McLean Contracting
Click here to download a pdf copy.
Occupational Health Track |
Safety/Management Track |
Industrial Hygiene/ Environmental Track |
Construction Safety Track |
8:00 - 8:15 am | Intro, PDC Chair. Matt Koss | Intro, PDC Chair. Matt Koss | Intro, PDC Chair. Matt Koss | Intro, PDC Chair. Matt Koss |
8:15 - 9:15 am Opening Keynote |
Keynote Human Organizational Performance Andrea Baker, HOP Expert |
Keynote Human Organizational Performance Andrea Baker, HOP Expert |
Keynote Human Organizational Performance Andrea Baker, HOP Expert |
Keynote Human Organizational Performance Andrea Baker, HOP Expert |
9:15 - 9:45 am | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor |
9:45 - 10:45 am | Heat Stress in US Agricultural Workers Grant Tore, MPH, Doctoral Student, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health |
What’s Not Shaking – Control of Hand-Arm Vibration and Other Diseases Mark Geiger, MS, MSE, CIH, CSP |
Panel Discussion: Not Getting Stuck on the First Floor of Vertical Construction Justin Rihn - Clark Construction Ned Fitter - Telligent Masonry |
10:45 - 11:00 am | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor |
11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Pesticide Exposure via Biomarkers in an Occupational Cohort in Chile Melissa DeSantiago, MPH, Doctoral Student, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health |
The Tyranny of TRIR Michael Quashne, CSP, CUSP Baltimore Gas and Electric |
What's that Smell - Occupational Health Hazards in the Cannabis Industry |
Safety is in Your Hands - A Success Story in Hand Injury Prevention James Woodward, Sr, MS McLean Contracting |
12:00 - 1:15 pm | Lunch Vendor |
Lunch Vendor |
Lunch Vendor |
Lunch Vendor |
1:15 - 2:15 pm | Workplace PROSPER – Partnering to Reduce Opioid Stigma and Promote Employment in Recovery Marianne Cloeren, MD, MPH, FACOEM, FACP University of Maryland School of Medicine Jodi J. Frey, PhD, LCSW-C, CEAP University of Maryland School of Social Work |
Raising the Issues So We Can Raise the Bar: Women in Safety Ashton Alban CIH, REHS/RS, M.S., MPH |
Mercury In Rubber Gym Floors: Overview and lessons Learned Julie Barth MHS, CIH, CSP LEED Green Associate EFI Global, Inc. |
Safety Mirage: Seeing Through the Illusion of Assumptions in Safety Matt Koss, CSP, SMS, CHST ECS Corporate Services, LLC |
2:15 - 2:30 pm | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor | Break - Vendor |
2:30 - 3:30 pm | From Calm to Crisis: What you can do to Intervene Leah Bentfield, BA Mental Health Association of Maryland |
Reviewing Multi-National Partnership Project Safety Challenges Guy Campion, MS, CSP, CHST, CEA, REP Ctgroup Environmental |
AgriCULTURE: A Culturally Competent Educational Intervention To Promote Occupational Health and Safety in Crop Farmworkers Salvatore Milletich, MPH Johns Hopkins University |
Energy Kills, So Come Play the "Energy Wheel Learning Game"! Craig Lowry, CSP Mike Frederick, CSP, CHST International Consultants (ICON) |
3:30 - 3:45 pm | Break | Break | Break | Break |
3:45 - 4:45 pm Closing Keynote |
Door Prize Drawings followed by: Passion Unearthed: Cultivating a Leadership Mindset Garden Dr. Towera Loper T.L. Coaching and Consulting, LLC |
Door Prize Drawings followed by: Passion Unearthed: Cultivating a Leadership Mindset Garden Dr. Towera Loper T.L. Coaching and Consulting, LLC |
Door Prize Drawings followed by: Passion Unearthed: Cultivating a Leadership Mindset Garden Dr. Towera Loper T.L. Coaching and Consulting, LLC |
Door Prize Drawings followed by: Passion Unearthed: Cultivating a Leadership Mindset Garden Dr. Towera Loper T.L. Coaching and Consulting, LLC |
A special thank you to our exhibitors! Please make sure to visit them during breaks to learn more.

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Kossiakoff Center
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, Maryland 20723-6099
Presented by
The American Society of Safety Professionals Chesapeake Chapter
The American Industrial Hygiene Association Chesapeake Section
The American Industrial Hygiene Association Local Potomac Section
The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health
Contact Mitch Henry at mitch.henry@allanmyers.com to learn more.
Registration Fees
Register here
You will be redirected to jotform for registration and payment.
Early Bird Rate (before February 26, 2024)
- $99.00
- Group Rate (5 or more): $75.00 ea
Regular Rate (after February 26, 2024)
- $125.00
- Group Rate (5 or more): $100.00 ea
Student Rate
- $25.00
- $250.00
- includes 1 free registration
- Advertisement on this page and local AIHA and local ASSP pages
Contact Mitch Henry at mitch.henry@allanmyers.com for more information.
Continuing Education Credits
Safety Professionals
ASSP has approved this seminar for 0.6 CEU.
Industrial Hygienists
- 6.0 technical contact hours (or CEU value) for this event. Please see the Board for Global EHS Credentialing website here for more information.
- This event is worth 6.0 technical contact hours (or CEU value).
- 6.0 contact hours have been approved from the Washington DC Board of Nursing
Morning Keynote
Four Concurrent Tracks:
Occupational Health
- Heat Stress in US Agricultural Workers
- Pesticide Exposure via Biomarkers in an Occupational Cohort in Chile
- Workplace PROSPER – Partnering to Reduce Opioid Stigma and Promote Employment in Recovery
- University of Maryland School of Medicine
- What’s Not Shaking – Control of Hand-Arm Vibration and Other Diseases
- The Tyranny of TRIR
- Raising the Issues So We Can Raise the Bar: Women in Safety
- Reviewing Multi-National Partnership Project Safety Challenges
Industrial Hygiene/Environmental
- Heat Stress Update
- Mercury In Rubber Gym Floors: Overview and Lessons Learned
- AgriCULTURE: A Culturally Competent Educational Intervention To Promote Occupational Health and Safety in Crop Farmworkers
Construction Safety
- Panel Discussion in Vertical Construction Safety
- Hand Injury Prevention
- Safety Mirage: Seeing Through the Illusion of Assumptions in Safety
- Energy Kills, So Come Play the "Energy Wheel Learning Game"!
Closing Keynote
- Passion Unearthed: Cultivating a Leadership Mindset Garden
Subject to change