Pneumonia Resources
IVAC works on a wide variety of projects related to pneumonia and pneumococcal disease. Explore these projects and related resources below.
CHOICES: Choice Optimization for Immunization: Country Exercises in Sustainability
CHOICES provides technical assistance to countries considering vaccine product, schedule, presentation, or use switches for PCV and other vaccines. CHOICES evidence and guidance can support countries and partners as they work to optimize vaccination programs, prioritize interventions, navigate resources, strengthen capacity, and implement decisions.
GAP: Global Advocacy for PCV Project
The GAP project works to develop and employ tailored, targeted advocacy strategies to accelerate equitable, sustainable PCV introduction in the low- and middle-income countries that have not yet made a decision to introduce the vaccine in their national immunization programs. Expanding global PCV coverage is likely to further reduce children death and suffering, bringing us closer to achieving the Sustainable Developmental Goal #3 that ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for all at all ages.
PDPR: Pneumonia and Diarrhea Progress Report
The PDPR is an annual report that collates data on 10 pneumonia- and diarrhea-related indicators to allow researchers and advocates to examine progress toward targets for selected interventions. The 2023 report focuses on progress within the 15 countries with the highest mortality burden due to pneumonia and diarrhea, while the corresponding table on VIEW-hub contains indicator data for 194 countries.
PERCH: Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health
The PERCH study is a case-control study led by IVAC, active in 7 countries between 2011–2014, to determine the etiology of pneumonia among children under 5, estimate the fraction of pneumonia attributable to pathogens for which vaccines are available, and assess risk factors for pneumonia. Results show that viruses cause most cases of severe pneumonia, with 10 pathogens responsible for about 8 in 10 cases of severe pneumonia.
PREVAIL: Pneumonia Research and Vaccine Impact League
PREVAIL is a partnership led by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC), in collaboration with Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC). This project is designed to evaluate the impact of PCV introduction in the Indian Universal Immunization Program (UIP) to support Indian policy makers as the country makes progress toward reaching global priorities for reducing childhood mortality.
PSERENADE: Pneumococcal Serotype Replacement and Distribution Estimation Project
The PSERENADE Project estimated the impact of long-term use of PCV on invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), including on replacement disease caused by non-vaccine-type strains and indirect protection in unvaccinated adults. Researchers found that all IPD declined following the use of PCV10 and PCV13 in children under 5 and adults over 65, driven by substantial declines in vaccine types that were partially offset by increases in non-vaccine-type IPD.
VERSE: Vaccine Economics Research for Sustainability & Equity
The VERSE project examines data on the economic value of PCV and other life-saving immunizations to help decision-makers prioritize investments and demonstrate the impact of vaccines with rigorous, reliable evidence. This project also analyses country-level vaccine coverage and equity to understand how inequitable vaccine coverage may impede full realization of the benefits of vaccines at the national level.
VIEW-hub is IVAC’s data visualization tool that displays the latest data on vaccine introduction, use, coverage, access, impact, and disease burden for nine vaccines, including PCV, Hib vaccine, and measles-containing vaccine, across 194 countries. These data can be used by researchers, advocates, and policy makers to inform immunization program decision-making.
VoICE: The Value of Immunization Compendium of Evidence
VoICE is an online database that connects global health researchers, advocates, and decisionmakers to peer-reviewed evidence on the broad benefits of immunization. This tool collates, synthesizes, and translates the latest research on a wide range of vaccines and diseases, including PCV and pneumonia, to inform global and national decision-making.
Additional Resources
- Introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in humanitarian and fragile contexts: perspectives from stakeholders in four African countries
- Closing the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) introduction gap: An archetype analysis of last-mile countries
- Crying out for action: Protect children from pneumonia in Africa’s most fragile countries
- The impact of introducing rotavirus and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) in Chad, Guinea, Somalia, and South Sudan
- Estimating the impact of new vaccine introduction in Chad, Guinea, Somalia, and South Sudan
- PCV catch-up vaccination FAQ
- Guidance, tools, and resources for evidence-based decisions on vaccine switches and EPI portfolio optimization
- Estimates of the societal, household, and government cost of pneumonia
ISPPD 2024 Posters
- Global Assessment of Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhea Interventions: Insights from an Annual Pneumonia and Diarrhea Progress Report
- Translating PCV Immunization Evidence: Tools for Informed Policy-Making and Decision Support
- Assessment of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) Access and Coverage on VIEW-hub
- Introduction of the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts: Perspectives from Stakeholders in Four African Countries
- Navigating Healthcare to Treat Pediatric Pneumonia Requiring Hospitalization in India: The Caregiver’s Perspective
- PCV13 Impact on Pneumococcal Carriage Among Hospitalized and Healthy Community Children in India: The PREVAIL Study
- Interim Analysis of PCV13 Vaccine Effectiveness Against Alveolar Consolidation Among Children Hospitalized with Pneumonia in India: The PREVAIL study
- Differences in Serotype Distribution of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Between Children <2 and 2-4 years After Long-term PCV13 Use: The PSERENADE Project
- Differences in Serotype Distribution of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Among Adults Stratified by Age After Long-term Infant PCV13 Use: The PSERENADE Project
- Comparisons between Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Positive Children Hospitalized with Severe Pneumonia and Community Controls: Findings from the PERCH Multi-country Study
- To Switch or Not to Switch: Opportunities and Country Experiences in Assessing New PCV Options to Optimize EPI Investment and Implementation
- Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles of PCV13-serotype and Non-PCV13-serotype Pneumococcal Carriage Isolates from Hospitalized Indian Children in the PREVAIL Study
- Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes Associated with Hypoxemia in Children Hospitalized with Suspected Pneumonia in India