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The Lipitz Public Health Policy Awards for Bloomberg School Faculty

The Lipitz Public Health Policy Awards for Bloomberg School faculty support the development and implementation of innovative and timely policy solutions through meaningful engagement with policymakers and decision makers. Priority is given to projects that support the translation of research results into policy and policy into legislation. Research activities in direct support of policy development or policy implementation will also be considered. 

In either case, we require that faculty engage a key decision maker or policymaker as a partner and “principal knowledge user” in support of translational efforts. A plan for the decision maker’s or policymaker’s active participation in the project must be included in the proposal in addition to a letter of support. Proposals that only involve partnering with intermediaries are acceptable, as long as they include plans to effectively engage the decision maker or policymaker. Collaborative arrangements between researchers and policymakers are the distinctive feature of these awards. 

For more information, contact: 
Nicole Moseley 

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Can you tell me if an application for the Lipitz Award should be processed through the Office of Research Administration? Or is it ok to skip that step since the award is through Hopkins?

The application for the Lipitz Award does not need to be processed through the Office of Research Administration. When you are ready to submit the application, you can email it to as a Microsoft Word document.

How many awards are expected to be provided in each application cycle?

There isn’t a specific number of awards to be provided. It will depend on how many applications we receive in each application cycle as well the budget for the academic year.

How many times am I allowed to apply in an academic year?

There are three deadlines during the academic year, which means you can apply in each cycle of the Awards or three times per academic year (deadlines July 30, November 30, and March 30). For resubmissions, applications must include a statement describing what in the current application has been modified based on the prior review.

I need more time to get the letter of support. What is the latest the review committee could wait to receive the letter?

All materials must be completed by the deadline. One of the main purposes of the Awards is to encourage active and lasting partnerships between researchers and decision-makers or policymakers. Experience shows that involving decision-makers at an earlier stage of project development will usually result in timely and better conceived letters. Assessing the quality of the partnership is therefore an integral part of the evaluation performed by the review panel and only complete submissions are considered. 

Should I include references for the text?

Although references are not required, we encourage that you include them.