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ECHO DAC Geospatial Atlas

Welcome to the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Data Analysis Center (DAC) Geospatial Atlas!

The purpose of this platform is to display ECHO’s key health and exposures by place (state) and time. Maps include the distribution of ECHO participants by state and decade of birth. Other maps include counts of children with ECHO health outcomes (e.g., overweight/obesity) by state and decade. 

The exposures include measures generated by the ECHO DAC (e.g., Combined Exposure Index) and existing measures (e.g., Social Vulnerability Index) commonly used in ECHO analyses. Exposures are mapped at various levels of geography, such as county and census tract levels.

Each tab provides a map for one measure and separated into four sections: (1) the conterminous states and the District of Columbia; (2) inset maps for Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico; (3) a legend* that describes the variable name, type, class breaks and values; and (4) an “About ECHO” text section that describes detailed information about the measure being displayed.

*Please note that the legend categories (e.g., 0-10 births, 11-15, etc.) will remain consistent across decades for each specific variable to facilitate comparability and changes over time.

Each map frame is interactive, so you can click on a particular state, for example, and a popup box will open to show data values for your desired selection – such as birth counts in Maryland between 1990 and 2000.

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