Center for Qualitative Studies in Health and Medicine
The mission of the Center for Qualitative Studies in Health and Medicine (CQSHM) is to build capacity and community around the conduct of high-quality qualitative research across the Johns Hopkins schools of Public Health, Medicine and Nursing.
Founded in 2011, CQSHM serves to connect qualitative researchers—faculty and students—with faculty in need of qualitative and mixed methods expertise for their research. The center organizes qualitative research symposia, provides small grants to support qualitative doctoral dissertations, and has initiated a two-part summer institute training program in qualitative interviewing and analysis.
Dr. Katherine Clegg Smith serves as director of the CQSHM, and Dr. Shannon Frattaroli and Dr. Caitlin Kennedy are co-directors. Currently, the center has more than 20 affiliated faculty and research staff from across the East Baltimore campus of the Johns Hopkins University.

Upcoming Events
Center Leadership and Affiliated Faculty
Qualitative Course Offerings
Research Activities
Dissertation Enhancement Awards
CQSHM Mailing List
Please contact Susan Hannum, the CQSHM center coordinator, to be added to the list.