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Student Opportunities

In addition to supportive core Center faculty, seminars and workshops and a rapidly expanding curriculum, there are also a large number of master's, doctoral and clinical trainees who are engaged with the Center. 

Johns Hopkins SISPE Chapter Logo

Johns Hopkins has an active student chapter of the International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology. The current officers are: 

President: Randall Kuffel, ScM, 2nd year PhD student in Epidemiology
Vice President: Emaan Rashidi, MHS, 1st year PhD student in Epidemiology
Secretary/Treasurer: Qilin Deng, 2nd year MHS student in Epidemiology

To join the Johns Hopkins SISPE listserv, email Trainees should consider joining the International Society of Pharmacoepidmiology; student memberships are $85 annually. For more information and resources go to is external). The SISPE group at JHSPH has launched journal club specifically for discussion of recent publications in pharmacoepidemiology. Details will be disseminated to listserv members.