Faculty Directory
Our faculty are world-renowned experts, and trusted advisers to our students, public health leaders, and the public.
Meet Our Faculty
We take pride in celebrating the richness of our diverse faculty community, recognizing that it enriches our academic environment and enhances our collective experiences.

Val Culotta, PhD, examines the role of free radicals and micronutrients in the battle between host and pathogen during fungal infections.

Frank Curriero, PhD, works to develop and advance the use of spatial science methods (spatial data, GIS, spatial statistics) across the broad spectrum of public health

Mary Cwik, PhD, MA, is a child psychologist who studies suicide, substance misuse, and trauma interventions to reduce health disparities among Native Americans and people in East Baltimore.

Lauren Czaplicki, PhD '18, MPH, applies a critical public health research lens to understand corporate influence on health and policymaking.

Gypsyamber D’Souza, PhD '07, MS, MPH, researches infectious diseases and cancer prevention, focusing on translational epidemiology to answer patient and policy questions.

Melissa Davey-Rothwell, PhD '07, MPH, is a behavioral scientist who studies the implementation of evidence-based interventions in community-based settings.

Karen Davis, PhD, focuses on improving coverage, financial protection, and access to care for Medicare beneficiaries, including adding dental, vision, and hearing services.

Kimberly Davis, PhD, MSc, studies how members of a bacterial population change during infection, to identify strategies to more effectively combat infections.

Meghan Davis, DVM, PhD '12, MPH '08, studies the interface of bacteria and hosts to reduce microbe-mediated diseases in people and animals.

Rahel Dawit, PhD’22, MPH’13, researches the impact of social structures and neighborhood environments on health disparities and inequities.