Faculty Directory
Our faculty are world-renowned experts, and trusted advisers to our students, public health leaders, and the public.
Name | Title | Department | Overview |
Kari Debbink | Associate Teaching Professor | Molecular Microbiology and Immunology |
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Justine Debelius | Assistant Scientist | Epidemiology |
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Amanda Debes | Associate Scientist | International Health |
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Michele Decker | Professor | Population, Family and Reproductive Health |
Michele Decker, ScD, leads research at the cutting edge of gender equity, and gender-based violence prevention and response, in close partnership with practitioners and communities most affected. |
Julie Denison | Associate Professor | International Health |
Julie Denison, PhD '06, MHS '99, develops interventions for youth living with HIV, with a focus on the role of family and environmental and structural determinants of health. |
Tyler Derreth | Assistant Teaching Professor | Health, Behavior and Society |
Tyler Derreth, PhD, researches critical pedagogy, equitable teaching and learning practices, and university-community partnerships to advance justice in education and communities. |
Jennifer DeSanto | Research Associate | Epidemiology |
Jennifer DeSanto, MS, RN, works with cancer survivors to assess patient-reported needs following cancer treatment and the effectiveness of different follow-up care plans. |
Michael Desjardins | Assistant Research Professor | Epidemiology |
Michael R. Desjardins, PhD, MA, is a spatial epidemiologist and medical geographer who works on pushing the frontier of understanding the nexus between health and place. |
Kelly DeToy | Assistant Scientist | International Health |
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Janardan Devkota | Research Associate | Mental Health |
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Kay Dickersin | Professor - Emeritus | Epidemiology |
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Aisha Dickerson | Assistant Professor | Epidemiology |
Aisha Dickerson, PhD, MSPH, studies environmental exposures and their disproportionate impact on autism and dementia risks in underserved communities across the lifespan. |
Conan Dickson | Associate Practice Professor | Health Policy and Management |
Conan Dickson, PhD ’04, MPH, leverages his experience in health system management to enhance education in health care strategy, finance, and quantitative tools. |
Marie Diener-West | Professor | Biostatistics |
Marie Diener-West, PhD ’84, Chair of MPH Program and Professor of Biostatistics, teaches and collaborates in the design, conduct, and analysis of multicenter clinical trials. |
George Dimopoulos | Professor | Molecular Microbiology and Immunology |
George Dimopoulos, PhD, MBA, studies vector-borne diseases and how mosquitoes can be rendered incapable of transmitting human pathogens. |
Hua Ding | Senior Research Associate | Molecular Microbiology and Immunology |
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Janet DiPietro | Professor - Emeritus | Population, Family and Reproductive Health |
Janet DiPietro, PhD, studies the interface between individual differences in development and physiology, and the implications of the prenatal period for postnatal life. |
Maya Dizack | Research Associate | International Health |
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Dandi Dong | Research Associate | International Health |
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Shengzhang Dong | Assistant Scientist | Molecular Microbiology and Immunology |
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