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Public Health Practice Course Information Session

Department and Center Events

Monday, October 17, 2022, 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET
Past Event

The 2nd term Public Health Practice course allows students to engage in a significant practical experience in a public health priority area(s) pre-identified by the Maryland General Assembly. The heart of this class is the completion of a practicum experience aligned with the Maryland General Assembly through a community assessment and policy/program development through interactive learning, discussion and reflection. The course is designed to give students opportunities to build their professional toolkit and gain an understanding of how public health organizations work to address public health problems. Students will be challenged to think critically, and build their competence in applying theory, knowledge and tools to approach and address specified public health priorities. It is the aim that skills gained and lessons learned from this course will advance each student’s public health competency and career development. Join us to learn more about this years course and the topics to be covered. 


Contact Info

April Tong