Have you ever wondered whether your course was designed backwards?
Typically, faculty start the course design process by identifying the content that they want their students to absorb, but there is a more effective, goal-oriented method called Backwards Design. In this workshop, we will explore aspects of Backwards Course Design, which focuses on the end goals, or learning objectives, of the course. We will discuss the importance of starting with learning objectives, what it means for a learning objective to be SMART, and how to design assessments that align with those objectives. The use of examples, hands-on activities, and time for Q&A will help to ensure this is a participatory workshop. This workshop will be held via Zoom.
- Elizabeth Topper Golub, PhD, MEd, MPH- Senior Lecturer, Epidemiology & Director, Online Programs for Applied Learning
- Amy Pinkerton, MIDT- Senior Instructional Designer, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
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